Auction Categories


We sell by public auction all goods attached and removed by the Sheriff of The High Court of Zimbabwe within our premises every Thursday for Household & Ofice Furniture and every Saturday for Motor Vehicles.

Additional Sheriff

We also sell goods that would have been attached by the Additional Sheriff of The High Court Of Zimbabwe on Tuesdays.

Messenger of Court

We sell by public auction all goods attached and removed by the Messenger of Court - Harare within our premises every Tuesday for Household & Ofice Furniture and every Saturday for Motor Vehicles.

Sale in Situ

This form of auction is conducted "in situ" in cases where goods attached by the Sheriff and Messenger of Court are difficult to remove/transport to our premises. These sales are conducted either on Wednesdays or Fridays depending on the availability of the auction calendar.

General Auctions

These sales cover individuals, corporates, NGO's, Government, parastatals' goods entered for sale by public auction with Ruby Auctions. These can be conducted jointly with Sheriff and Messenger of Court sales.

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